The briefing:
Series of illustrations for the article "21st Century Promises for Women" by J. Klugman published in La Vanguardia Dossier (you can read the full article here)
n.1 Cover
n.1 Double-page illustration
n.2 Full-page illustrations
n.4 Spots
n.1 Double-page illustration
n.2 Full-page illustrations
n.4 Spots
Article Synopsis:
The article explores how women's economic empowerment can bring about global improvements in the economic, educational, healthcare, and social sectors. The author provides an economic, statistical, and legislative perspective, distancing herself from any ideological claims.
Cover page
The cover pays homage classical tradition and references the myth of Atlas, who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders. The illustration symbolizes the crucial role that women play in upholding the essential balances of our society.
The feminist symbol is subtly drawn to the right of the character, joining as another signature on the list of authors located on the left.

Double-page illustration (opening)
The double-page illustration of the opening serves as the illustrator's manifesto: the 21st-century promises proclaimed in the headline prove illusory.
The illustration aims to perplex the reader, as it's unclear whether the scene depicts a successful magic trick, an unfortunate outcome, or an act of innocent rebellion.

Full page illustrations
On the left: This illustration aims to unmask one of the promises presented in the article: that access to higher education ensures an improvement in the living conditions of women, a claim that crumbles in many developing countries.
A significant percentage of educated women remain trapped in traditional roles that perpetuate inequality and entrenched patriarchal structures.
On the right: This illustration portrays a Hindu version of the goddess of justice.
The goddess frees herself from the blindfold of justice, which under a supposed impartiality has ended up generating new forms of discrimination, as symbolized by the severed arm she observes in astonishment.
We don't know if this arm has been severed by her own hand, which represents how, despite legislative progress, the very structure of power remains the primary limiting factor.
To play with these symbolic elements, the decision was made to borrow the image of a multi-armed Hindu deity. However, it doesn't intend to reference the culture or religion of that country. On the contrary, it seeks to mock the association that Western culture has made to symbolize a woman's "multitasking" power.
This illustration requires a deeper look: it invites the viewer to make an effort to fully understand its symbolic meaning, a negative climax to the promises made at the beginning of the article.