Sometimes in the morning when it's a good surf, I go out there, and I don't feel like it's a bad world - K.B. Mullis

Lately, while I read a book, I’ve developed the habit of jotting down ideas in a notebook to illustrate phrases, passages, or potential alternative covers. Needless to say, all these ideas usually end up closed and forgotten. However, occasionally, there are illustrations that start as simple exercises and end up choosing the book they want to illustrate on their own.
I’m not sure if I’ve explained myself clearly, probably not, but that’s how the idea for this illustration of ‘Dancing Naked in the Mind Field,’ the autobiography of K. Mullis, came about.
Kary Mullis is primarily known for his invention of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), a fundamental technique for molecular biology and genetics, which has had enormous relevance in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quoting from the back cover of the book version I have with me:
Kary Mullis is primarily known for his invention of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), a fundamental technique for molecular biology and genetics, which has had enormous relevance in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quoting from the back cover of the book version I have with me:
"Kary Mullis was born in 1944 in the United States. He earned his doctorate at Berkeley in 1973 and, twenty years later, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. As he himself says, the awarding of the Nobel allowed him to regularly dedicate himself to his favorite hobby: surfing among the waves of the Pacific."